Wednesday, November 3, 2010


It occurred to me that I haven't shared any of my works in progress. As I'm knee-deep (ie. 25k words and counting) in the YA male POV book I mentioned a couple weeks ago I thought I would share an excerpt from that.

In short, Toby our 15-year-old main character has gym class and has just learned they're playing dodge ball today. The scene begins when he's in the locker room.

“What are you looking at?” Chris says to me. I’m nameless. He has no idea who I am but I know perfectly well who he is. He’s an Abercrombie & Fitch wannabe douche bag with too much hair product to the brain. He’s the guy all the girls drool over—-further evidence that the universe has a cruel sense of humor. He’s the guy who’s about to kill me.

I’ve grown six inches in the last year and am all flailing limbs whilst his body is built on protein shakes, bromance visits to the weight room, and a winning genetic lottery ticket. I can almost see the headline now: Local boy dies of uncoordination during dodge ball game.

I change quickly and hurry down to the gymnasium. Sure enough, Chris ends up on the other team and somehow all his buddies do too. Mr. Jones must be the biggest bully in school, how else can you explain the jocks versus my team: Team Deer in Headlights. How is this even sanctioned exercise? I wonder as I hear the whistle blow.

In my periphery I see movement at the far end of the gym. I know better than to look away but I do regardless and as I suspected it’s Cassandra. Her friends flow out behind her like a flock of birds in a V. Then *wham* I’m lying on my back, my cheek burning from the sting of rubber. I close my eyes and hear Chris begin laughing and then others chiming in. All I can think about is another kind of V: virgin. At this rate I’ll die one.

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